The Ins and Outs of Using a Strop: Achieving a Razor Sharp Edge on Your Blades
A strop is a valuable tool for maintaining and refining the edge of your blades, whether you're a straight razor user or a knife and tool sharpener. In this guide, we'll show you how to use a strop to achieve a razor sharp edge on your blades.
First, it's important to understand that strops are frequently used with abrasive compounds, the very fine abrasives that give a mirror polish to the edge. If you choose to use a compound, start by applying it to the surface of the strop. A little bit of compound tends to go a long way, so there's no need to go overboard.
Once the compound is applied, hold the blade bevel against the surface of the strop with light pressure and move the blade away from the cutting edge. Flip the blade over and do the same on the other side. The process is the same on any stropping medium like Balsa and Nano cloth, with or without a honing compound.
It's important to avoid moving the blade toward the cutting edge as it will cut into the strop surface, resulting in dulling of the edge and cutting into the strop. A few strokes is usually enough to bring the edge back. A strop is best used prior to the edge becoming dull. Used consistently, it is a key step in maintaining a razor sharp edge.
It's also worth noting that when using a strop, it's important to determine the angle at which you'll be running the blade along the strop. For leather strops, this is usually around 20 degrees. For paddle strops, the angle may vary depending on the blade and the desired level of sharpness.
In conclusion, a strop is a valuable tool for maintaining and refining the edge of your blades. Whether you choose to use a plain leather strop or one with a compound applied, stropping is a simple process that can help you achieve a razor sharp edge on your blades. Used consistently, it's a key step in maintaining the sharpness of your blades.
First, it's important to understand that strops are frequently used with abrasive compounds, the very fine abrasives that give a mirror polish to the edge. If you choose to use a compound, start by applying it to the surface of the strop. A little bit of compound tends to go a long way, so there's no need to go overboard.
Once the compound is applied, hold the blade bevel against the surface of the strop with light pressure and move the blade away from the cutting edge. Flip the blade over and do the same on the other side. The process is the same on any stropping medium like Balsa and Nano cloth, with or without a honing compound.
It's important to avoid moving the blade toward the cutting edge as it will cut into the strop surface, resulting in dulling of the edge and cutting into the strop. A few strokes is usually enough to bring the edge back. A strop is best used prior to the edge becoming dull. Used consistently, it is a key step in maintaining a razor sharp edge.
It's also worth noting that when using a strop, it's important to determine the angle at which you'll be running the blade along the strop. For leather strops, this is usually around 20 degrees. For paddle strops, the angle may vary depending on the blade and the desired level of sharpness.
In conclusion, a strop is a valuable tool for maintaining and refining the edge of your blades. Whether you choose to use a plain leather strop or one with a compound applied, stropping is a simple process that can help you achieve a razor sharp edge on your blades. Used consistently, it's a key step in maintaining the sharpness of your blades.